Important Notice for Customers and Members from Mexico

If you are a customer or a member from Mexico, please visit to purchase our products.

Healy World Rules of Conduct for our Independent Healy World Member

We are excited to welcome you to our community as a new Independent Healy World Member. As an Independent Healy World Member (hereinafter referred to as ”IHWM”) in the Healy World network marketing community, you have the responsibility to operate with ethics and integrity. These rules apply for all Healy World Members and Timewaver practitioners’ part of the Healy World network. Any person, that would offer any product to the Healy community, guarantees to comply with our Healy World rules.


Healy Worlds Rules of Conduct outline the rules and guidelines that govern the conduct of Healy World Members in their interactions with Healy World, fellow Members, Customers, and other individuals or entities. The contract, which includes the Healy World Compensation Plan, Membership Application, and Policies & Procedures, serves as the comprehensive agreement between Independent Healy World Members and Healy World. It is important to note that Healy World retains the discretion to modify any aspect of these Rules of Conduct and may override specific policies as it deems necessary. Such changes will take effect upon their publication in any official Healy World communication.

Should any provision within these rules become outdated, invalid, or unenforceable, appropriate revisions and updates will be made. However, the invalidity of one provision shall not affect the enforceability of any other provision contained herein. Consequently, all other terms within this document shall remain fully effective.

By accepting these rules, Members also accept Healy Worlds IHWM Agreement and Terms & Conditions of Purchase. A Member’s acceptance of these policies becomes effective when they enroll, complete the contract, recruit, or sponsor a new Member or Customer, place a product order, or accept any commission or bonus.

Please take your time to read and understand each rule. If you have questions about the Rules of Conduct or need further information, please feel free to contact the Healy World Compliance Department under the following e-mail address:

We are incredibly excited for the future together. Wishing you prosperity and the greatest possible success in your activities as an independent partner of Healy World.

Your Healy World Team.

Section 1: Definitions of Basic Terms

1.1.Active Member

A Member whose account is in good standing with Healy World and satisfies a minimum volume requirement as outlined in the Compensation Plan. Some bonuses will require an IHWM to be active to receive the bonus. Please refer to the Compensation Plan for the requirements.


The agreement between the Company and each IHWM, which includes: The Member Application and Agreement, the Healy World Policies and Procedures, the Rules of Conduct, and the Compensation Plan, all in their current form and as amended by the company in its sole discretion. These documents are collectively referred to as the ”Agreement”.

1.3.Career Title

An IHWMs Career Title is the highest title an IHWM has ever achieved. This title does not change, unless the IHWM advances to a higher title. The requirements for the Career Title are the same as the requirements to advance to that title. Please refer to the Compensation Plan for more details.

1.4.Compensation Plan

The guideline for IHWMs which describes compensation, bonus requirements, and rank qualifications.


A Customer is an individual, that purchases products for personal use and has not signed a member agreement with Healy World. Customers may use the products themselves but may not resell the products to others and may not participate in the Compensation Plan.


Deletion refers to the voluntary removal of an IHWMs business. An IHWM reserves the right to cancel their membership and/or delete their data at any time after their registration.


All the Independent Healy World Members below an IHWM in their Enrollment or Dual Team Genealogies are considered to be part of the Downline.

1.8.Independent Healy World Member (IHWM)

An individual who refers new IHWMs and Customers, builds a business, and earns bonuses in agreement with Healy World.

1.9.In Good Standing

An IHWM that does NOT have an active suspension by Compliance or disciplinary action within the past 12 months, or a negative balance (debt owed) to Healy World.


All the IHWMs and Customers below an IHWM in the Enrollment and/or Dual Team Genealogies are considered to be part of an organization.


Pay-Out refers to ’ paying out’ the earnings of an IHWM, also referred to as bonus. Most bonuses are paid out on the 15th of the following month. If a payout date is a weekend or a public holiday, the payout will be made on the next business day. Please refer to the Compensation Plan for more information.


Period refers to the specific time frame in which an IHWMs qualifications and payouts are calculated for. A period is equal to an actual calendar month. Six periods would be six calendar months. Please refer to the Compensation Plan for more details.


When an IHWM enrols a new IHWM, that IHWM can be manually placed in the next available outermost position in either the left or right Dual Team Leg. The system will automatically place the IHWM after 7 calendar days.


A product or service offered by Healy World. Sales and promotional material and certain services are excluded from this definition.


For purposes of Healy World’s Conflict of Interest Policy, the term ”Prospect” means the actual or attempted solicitation, enrollment, encouragement, or effort to influence in any other way, either directly, indirectly, or through a third party, another Healy World Customer or IHWM to enroll or participate in another network marketing or direct sales opportunity. Also including and not limited to other commercial and /or investment (financial) activities.

1.16.Resalable Condition

Products shall be deemed ”resalable” if each of the following elements is satisfied:

1.They are unopened and unused, meaning the tamper-evident seal located on the product remains in place.

2.Original packaging and labelling have not been altered or damaged.

3.They are in a condition such that it is a commercially reasonable practice within the trade to sell the merchandise at full price; and

4.The product contains current Healy World labelling.

Note: Any merchandise, that is identified at the time of sale as a demonstration kit, nonreturnable, discontinued, or as a seasonal item, shall not be resalable.


An IHWM who enrolls a Customer or another IHWM into Healy World and is listed as the Sponsor on the IHWM agreement.


The act of enrolling a Customer or another IHWM and training the IHWM to become IHWMs.


Termination refers to the involuntarily termination of an IHWMs business. Healy World reserves the right to terminate for reasons such as violations of IHWM Agreement, policies, Compensation Plan, and the violations of applicable laws. Refer to section 7.


All of the Independent Healy World Members (IHWM) above an IHWM their Enrollment and Dual Team Genealogies are considered to be part of the Upline.

Section 2: IHWM Agreement

2.1.Conditions Membership

2.1.1.Membership Application

To become an IHWM, an individual must be referred by an existing IHWM. Under certain circumstances, Healy World can assign a prospective IHWM to any Downline. Duly signed and registered IHWMs have the license to refer Healy World products.

2.1.2.Natural Persons

The IHWM Agreement is exclusively intended for natural persons. Applicants must ensure that their registered name matches the name provided in their government identification document. IHWMs have the option to include company information in the designated reserved company section, thereby obtaining corporate membership, as stated in rule 2.1.10.

2.1.3.One Membership per Individual

An individual may only have one (1) IHWM membership. This membership is concluded with a natural person. If an individual registers for more than one (1) membership, only one membership may be kept and additional memberships will be immediately resolved, please refer to rule 4.3.4.

2.1.4.Minimum Age

An individual must be of legal age in the jurisdiction of the individual’s residence to be an IHWM. Inadequate age will result in immediate termination and forfeiture of any funds earned.

2.1.5.Spouses and Life Partners

Spouses or life partners must each operate separate businesses using their own membership. It is important to note that in such a case, one or the other spouse or life partner must be enrolled within the same Downline.

2.1.6.Cancellation of Membership

An IHWM may cancel or delete their membership or account at any time after their registration. An IHWM can change their IHWM status into a retail Customer. For more information, refer to section 2.4.

2.1.7.Re-registration of a Membership

IHWMs must fulfill the Period of Inactivity requirements before re-registering for membership under a different sponsor or participating in other memberships. The Period of Inactivity must be applied for, by contacting Customer Care.

Memberships may be dissolved if the IHWM fails to inform Healy World of re-registration under a different sponsor, participating in other memberships or makes misrepresentations regarding it.

2.1.8.Period of Inactivity and disclosure

The Period of Inactivity is a waiting period, where former IHWMs may not participate in Healy World Business in any way. The waiting period contains six (6) months and must be applied for by contacting Customer Care. Re-registration of a new membership must be made under this rule.

During the waiting period, former IHWMs may not:

  • Refer Healy World products or materials.
  • Refer IHWMs or Customers or offer the Healy World opportunity.
  • Participate, promote, or assist in other memberships.

After the Period of Inactivity, the former IHWM may apply for a new membership.

2.1.9.Product Refusal

An IHWM may not manipulate the optional purchase of a product by refusing the shipment of Healy World purchased products to switch Sponsors. This practice may result in sanctions. There is no product purchase required to become an IHWM.

2.1.10.Legal Entities as IHWMs

The IHWM Agreement is exclusively entered into with natural persons; therefore, memberships cannot be operated solely by a legal entity. Violation of this rule will lead to termination.

IHWMs who operate a legal entity as sole traders (exclusive owner of the business) may submit the necessary documentation to Healy World and provide their company information in the reserved company section, allowing them to register as a corporate membership. Each IHWM is permitted to operate only one membership, whether it is a private membership or a corporate membership, in accordance with rule 2.1.3.

2.2.Transfer of Membership

A Member may transfer or delegate their right or interest in their membership with prior written approval by Healy World. To preserve the integrity of the hierarchical structure, it is the sole discretion of Healy World to either accept or reject the transfer or delegation of ownership. Any attempted transfer without proper documentation and approvals is deemed invalid and may be voided at the discretion of Healy World.

All transfer requests must be directly instigated and submitted by the account holder. The account holder must provide appropriate documentation to Customer Care. A membership may only be transferred to a non-member who hasn’t been involved in Healy World Business in the past six (6) months (see Rule 2.1.8). After referring a business, an IHWM is ineligible to re-register for six (6) months.

Should the sale be approved by Healy World, the buyer will acquire the IHWMs downline, titles, and Healy World products. The buyer has no rights to the bonus generated prior to the transfer. It is the responsibility of the seller to empty the eWallet and withdraw any funds prior to the account transfer.

2.3.Member Death (succession)

In the event of a Member’s death, the membership may be conveyed by will or the laws of intestacy to the members heir, who is not a Member, subject to applicable laws, rules, and Healy World’s approval which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

Whenever a Healy World Business is transferred by a will or other testamentary process, the heir acquires the right to collect all bonuses of the deceased Members organization. The successor must provide appropriate legal documentation to Customer Care. An inherited membership may be transferred to the individual heir directly, or another individual with the heir’s prior approval. Please contact Customer Care for assistance and documentation requirements.

If the heir already has a Healy World Membership, any bonuses earned, and products owned by the deceased member will be transferred to the heir’s account. The deceased member’s account will be closed afterwards. If the transfer is not completed within six (6) months after the member’s passing, the vacant position will be skipped, and the responsibility for personally referred members will shift to the direct Upline.

If the heir wishes to terminate the Healy World Membership, requests may be made directly to Healy Compliance at

2.4.Dissolving the IHWM Agreement

2.4.1.Deletion of Account

An IHWM may immediately delete their account by contacting Customer Care. Before deletion, the IHWM must download all commission statements and withdraw all funds from their eWallet account. After deletion, the individual shall keep access to their eWallet account, but lose the access to retain their Healy World accounts and Healy World products. An IHWM must inform their Downline when deleting their account. The Healy World Business account of the deleted IHWM will remain unchanged in the Genealogy Tree, and the responsibility of their downlines will shift to the upline next in line.

2.4.2.Cancellation of Membership

An IHWM may request a status change of his/her account and cancel his/her Healy World Business by contacting Customer Care. The membership will be converted into a customer account. As a customer, it will be possible to retain access to the Healy World Shop and Healy World products. A Member must inform their Downline when cancelling their account. The Healy World Business account of the deleted IHWM will remain unchanged in the Genealogy Tree, and the responsibility of their downlines will shift to the upline next in line.

2.4.3.Period of Inactivity

An IHWM may not use deletion or cancellation to immediately change Sponsor and placement. Instead, the IHWM who has cancelled or deleted the membership is not eligible to re-register for a Healy Business or participate, promote, or assist in other memberships for six (6) months, refer to rule 2.1.8. The cancellation or deletion request becomes effective when received by Healy World.

2.4.4.Termination of Membership

Violations of the rules can harm or impact the Healy World brand image, products, reputation, and all businesses. For this reason, enforcing sanctions is necessary. Healy World has the sole discretion to terminate a membership or impose sanctions for, but not limited to, the ­following reasons:

  • Violation of any terms and conditions or rules.
  • Violation of any provision in the policies (i.e., Social Media Policy, Privacy Policy) and procedures.
  • Violation of any provision in the Compensation Plan.
  • Violation of any applicable law, ordinance, or regulation regarding the Healy World Business; and/or engaging in unethical business practices or violating standards of fair dealing.
  • At its absolute discretion to act as it deemed fit in the circumstances.

For more information on enforcement policy and termination, refer to section 7.

2.4.5.Effect of Deletion / Cancellation

Following a deletion or cancellation, an IHWM:

  • Shall forfeit and relinquish any right, title, or claim to bonuses following the cancellation or deletion of their membership.
  • Shall forfeit and relinquish any right, title, or claim to promotion qualifications after the cancellation or deletion of their membership.
  • Effectively waives all claims to property rights or any interest in or to their former Downline, resulting from the cancellation or deletion of their membership.
  • Shall retain access to the accumulated funds made prior to the cancellation or deletion, which will be accessible through their designated eWallet account.
  • In the event that an IHWM wishes to request the cancellation of their eWallet account, such request must be made directly through eWallet Customer Care.

Section 3: Your IHWM Business

The Rules establishes ethical and compliance guidelines, outlying the expected standards of behaviour in our community. All IHWMs are required to adhere to the law, legal obligations and the rules outlined in this document.

By adhering to these rules, you build and enhance your business while staying in compliance with local regulations and ethical practices in the direct selling industry. Ultimately, this will serve the best interests of both your Members and Customers, fostering trust, integrity, and sustainable growth.

3.1.General Compliance

3.1.1.Legal Provisions

IHWMs are required to strictly adhere to all local, national, international laws and regulations. All IHWMs are required to abide by all legal requirements in any country where they conduct their business. Members are specifically obligated to adhere to the local and international provisions related to customer protection, data protection, and fair business practices.

When conducting their business activities, Members must guarantee that they possess knowledge of and familiarity with the relevant legal provisions. IHWMs may not encourage violations of any legal requirements among other IHWMs.

3.1.2.IIndividuals Subject to the Rules of Conduct

Healy World Members, TimeWaver practitioners who are part of the Healy World network, or any person offering a product to the Healy community are required to strictly adhere to this Code of Conduct as a condition of IHWM Membership. When conducting their business activities, IHWMs must guarantee that they possess knowledge of and familiarity with the rules. IHWMs may not encourage violations of these rules among other IHWMs.

IHWMs do not possess the authority to bind Healy World or assume obligations on its behalf. They are responsible for indemnifying Healy World against any costs or damages resulting from their failure to comply with these rules.


IHWMs do not have any employment relationship with Healy World. When presenting the Healy World products and business opportunity to others, the IHWM must clearly state the independent character of this business and the fact that no employment with Healy World exists. Healy World provides opportunities for Members to receive compensation, but under no circumstances can it be viewed as a job. IHWMs are self-employed and may not suggest their Healy World Business is a job.

3.1.4.Licenses and Tax Obligations

IHWMs are required to comply with business registration, necessary licenses, and tax obligations when operating their Healy Business. Including without limitation the guidelines when conducting the Healy Business, IHWMs must obtain the necessary approvals/licenses and comply with any tax laws and regulations regarding tax registration and filing. IHWMs must relay any changes about previously provided information to Healy World without undue delay.

3.2.Conduct Towards Customers and (Prospective) IHWMs

3.2.1.Prohibited Sales and Referral Practices
IHWMs are prohibited from engaging in misleading, aggressive, or unfair sales practices when interacting with prospective customers or IHWMs, in accordance with the local law. Examples of these practices include providing consumers or (prospective) IHWMs with false information or using aggressive marketing techniques to manipulate their choices.

Members are prohibited from enticing prospective IHWMs to make purchases based on the representation that they can recover the purchase price by referring other IHWMs, suggesting a prohibited promotional scheme.

3.2.2.Fair, True, and Correct Product Claims

IHWMs must ensure that all claims made regarding products and services are truthful, accurate, and not misleading. Claims should be supported by reliable evidence and reflect the actual attributes and benefits of the products or services being offered. IHWMs are required to possess adequate product knowledge and must attend all mandatory and optional product trainings, webinars or seminars provided by Healy World.

It is strictly prohibited to engage in deceptive practices, exaggerated claims, or any form of misrepresentation that may mislead or deceive consumers or (prospective) IHWMs. IHWMs should only state authorized claims approved by Healy World.

3.2.3.Misrepresenting the Business Opportunity

IHWMs are obliged to present the official earning figures Healy World makes available to prospective IHWMs when presenting the business opportunity or making claims about potential earnings. It is strictly prohibited to engage in deceptive practices, exaggerated (earning) claims, or any form of misrepresentation that may mislead prospective IHWMs on the business opportunity. Members should only state authorized claims approved by Healy World. Healy World prohibits the usage of alternative figures or unauthorized claims.

3.2.4.Identification Requirements for Product
In accordance with applicable Customer Protection Laws, from the beginning of the contact with Customer or prospective IHWM, an IHWM must identify themselves as independent and explain the purpose of their approach. At the beginning of a sales presentation, IHWMs must truthfully and clearly identify themselves, accurate information about Healy World, the nature of the products, and the purpose of their solicitation.

3.2.5.Explanation and Demonstration

IHWMs must provide accurate and complete explanations and demonstrations of our products to Customers or prospective IHWMs, covering product characteristics, price, right of withdrawal, return policies, guarantee terms and after-sales service. They should also provide accurate and understandable answers to all Customers questions. When making claims about product efficacy, IHWMs should only state authorized claims approved by Healy World.

3.2.6.Promotion Requirements

IHWMs must ensure that all promotions, including digital and social media, comply with applicable laws, the rules as well as the applicable national advertising codes.

Promotion communications must not contain untruthful, inaccurate, misleading, or unfair product descriptions, claims or images. They should be easily identifiable as promotion and disclose their commercial intent. Promotional activities should include the IHWM logo, name and contact details, and the relevant disclaimer.

3.2.7.Product Testimonials and Reviews

IHWMs must not make reference to any testimonial or product review that is unauthorized, untrue, incorrect, likely to mislead Customers or (prospective) IHWMs, or without clear disclosure. Only claims authorized by Healy World may be used.

3.2.8.Respect of Privacy

Personal, telephone, or electronic contact should be conducted in a respectful manner and within reasonable hours to avoid being intrusive, following the applicable local laws on privacy and electronic communications. IHWMs must stop a demonstration or sales presentation when requested by the Customers or prospective IHWM.

The use of data for marketing purposes requires express consent of the individual. IHWMs may contact Customers of prospective IHWMs over intrusive methods (phone, e-mail, text) only after obtaining the Customer’s or prospective IHWM explicit prior consent.

IHWMs are responsible for safeguarding the privacy and personal information shared by (prospective) Customers, Members, or Downline, in accordance with applicable data protection and privacy laws.

3.2.9.Exploitation of Trust and Personal Factors

IHWMs must not exploit the trust of individual Customers, (prospective) IHWMs or their private social relationships, respect their lack of commercial experience, and refrain from taking advantage of factors such as age, illness, mental or physical infirmity, credulity, lack of understanding, lack of language knowledge, or poor education.

3.3.Conduct as Members

3.3.1.Account Modifications

Account changes, such as changes in the Healy World Membership name of record, billing address, company name, or tax ID may be accomplished by submitting a ticket and providing the necessary documentation to Customer Care. Any addition of company information must be supported by proof of a valid business license or registration, refer to 2.1.10. Members must relay any changes about previously provided information to Healy World without undue delay.

3.3.2.Mandatory KYC and Inaccurate Information

Healy World reserves the right in its absolute discretion to request mandatory Know Your Customer (KYC) information from Healy World Members to perform identity checks. IHWMs must comply and respond to these KYC requests when requested by Healy World. Failure to comply or disregard for these KYC requests will result in the termination of the IHWM membership.

If a Healy Member provides inaccurate information (including signatures) on an application, transfer form, forges documents or provides the company with any personal or business information or identification that is inaccurate or a false representation, the Healy World Membership may be terminated by Healy World.

3.3.3.Money Laundering and Fraud

Healy World maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards money laundering and fraud. Any IHWM found to be involved in such activities will face immediate termination of their membership and may be subject to legal action. It is the responsibility of all IHWMs to report any suspicions of money laundering or fraudulent behaviour to Healy World’s Compliance Departement.

IHWMs must not engage in any activity that involves or facilitates money laundering, which includes knowingly participating in transactions with proceeds derived from illegal activities or attempting to conceal the true nature or source of funds.

Furthermore, IHWMs are prohibited from engaging in fraudulent practices, such as providing false information, forging documents, misrepresenting products or services, or deceiving Customers or other IHWMs for personal gain. Any IHWM found to be involved in such activities will face immediate termination.

3.3.4.Conduct Regarding Harassment/Discrimination

Healy World forbids any form of unlawful harassment and discrimination. The Healy World Business opportunity is available to IHWMs without any form of discrimination, including but not limited to gender, race, ethnicity, religious or spiritual beliefs, or political opinions.

3.3.5.Private Life

Healy World prohibits any blending of the business with the mentioned aspects of a person’s private life. Members are strictly prohibited from engaging in the utilization of alternative methods to exert power. These methods may involve promoting strong ideologies, religious believes, fostering strong organizational cultures, enforcing extensive socialization, and institutionalizing the business.

Sponsors are not allowed to establish an employment relationship with their Downlines for the purpose of exerting control.

3.3.6.Exploitation of Private Social Relationships

It is strictly prohibited to provide IHWMs with instructions or guidance on how to misuse trust within private social relationships. It is forbidden to claim or suggest that private social relationships that choose not to purchase a product or become IHWMs are wrong and should be abandoned.

3.3.7.Maintaining the Brand Image and Reputation of Healy World

IHWMs are not allowed to participate in any activities involving criminal behaviour or dishonesty. IHWMs who are under investigation, have a criminal history, or may potentially harm or negatively impact the reputation, products, intellectual property, or brand image of Healy World will be closely examined. Healy World reserves the right to conduct identity checks if deemed necessary.

3.4.Competition and business practices

3.4.1.Competition Amongst Third-Party Companies

IHWMs must avoid using comparisons that are likely to mislead or violate principles of fair competition. Any comparisons made should adhere to the applicable local regulations on comparative advertising regarding misleading and comparative advertising. They must also refrain from exploiting the reputation associated with another third-party company or product’s trade name and symbol in an unfair manner.

3.4.2.Fair Competition Amongst IHWMs

IHWMs have the responsibility to uphold the principles of fair competition. As such, they are prohibited from providing individualized discounts, publicly express unfavourable opinions about fellow IHWMs or participate in activities that could erode the principles of equitable competition. Instances of such conduct can be reported and will be assessed as outlined in section 7.


Members are strictly prohibited from engaging in cross-recruitment activities. Cross-recruitment is defined as an actual or attempted solicitation, Enrollment, encouragement, or effort to attract individuals, whether customers or members, from the Healy World Business opportunity into a third-party business opportunity or into a different Healy World team or Downlines.

3.4.4.Third-party business opportunities

Members are prohibited from soliciting, encouraging, promoting, or cross-recruiting existing Healy World Members or Customers to participate in any other third-party business opportunity.

3.4.5.Direct Sellers of Third-Party Companies

Should an IHWM partake in soliciting and/or enticing members of another direct selling company to endorse Healy World products and services, they assume the inherent risk of potential legal action from the concerned direct selling company.

If a lawsuit is initiated against an IHWM, alleging their involvement in inappropriate prospecting activities targeting another company’s sales force or Consumers, it is important to note that Healy World will not assume responsibility for any of the IHWMs defence expenses or legal fees. Moreover, Healy World will not offer indemnification to the IHWM for any legal judgments, awards, or settlements that may arise from the legal proceedings.

3.4.6.Cross-Promotion of Third-Party Products

An IHWM may not offer sell, or promote any competing products, services, or opportunities of third-party companies. Any product or service in the same category as a Healy World product is deemed competing. In this context, we refer to third party products that include frequencies, water applications, magnetic or information field applications or generally, products similar to Healy Worlds offerings. Members may not promote such products Healy World networks, regardless of the medium employed. This prohibition extends to any potential future product releases by Healy World.

3.4.7.Business Interference

Healy World reserves the right to terminate an IHWM in violation of cross-recruiting or cross-promotion. As we are committed to the principles of honesty, openness, and justice, in the event of violations we will evaluate all available legal remedies and take potential legal action to protect both the reputation of our company and the continuity of our business operations.

Moreover, if there is any instance of cross-recruitment, there will be an immediate halt to payouts and the involved IHWM will not be considered for any future bonus calculations while the investigation into the violation of this rule takes place. This will continue until it is confirmed that no cross-recruitment has taken place.

3.5.Conduct as TimeWaver Practitioners

3.5.1.Program Names and Descriptions

TimeWaver practitioners must ensure that all program names and descriptions claims are truthful, accurate, and not misleading. These program names and descriptions must not include any details that endorse claims of curing, treating diseases, or addressing specific conditions. The information provided about programs and their descriptions should be supported by reliable evidence and reflect the actual attributes and benefits of the products or services being offered.
It is strictly prohibited to engage in deceptive practices, exaggerated claims, or any form of misrepresentation that may mislead or deceive Consumers.

3.5.2.Competition Amongst Timewaver

TimeWaver practitioners have a responsibility to uphold principles of fair competition. As such, they are not allowed to offer programs at unreasonable prices, grant individualized discounts, publicly express unfavourable opinions about fellow practitioners or IHWMs or participate in activities that could erode the principles of equitable competition. Instances of such conduct can be reported and will be assessed as outlined in section 7.

3.6.Compensation Plan

3.6.1.Purchasing and Purchasing on Behalf Of

Only products purchased directly over the official Healy World website count towards qualification and earnings under the Compensation Plan. IHWMs may not place orders or create an account in the name of another IHWM or a new prospect, without that IHWMs prior written approval.

3.6.2.Compensation Plan Manipulation

The Compensation Plan is the basis of the Healy World direct selling system. It is intended to compensate IHWMs for leading, training, mentoring, and developing a Downline organization. It is fundamental to maintain the integrity and purpose of the Compensation Plan. IHWMs who engage in Compensation Plan manipulation harm the business, disrupt the network marketing aspect, and might deny other Members financial compensation right­fully due to them.

If an IHWM engages in any activity and conduct established to be unethical, unnecessary, and unreasonable in achieving bonus and ­recognition, Healy World reserves the discretion to revoke and forfeit any such bonus and recognition. A list of non-inclusive examples that may ­indicate Compensation Plan manipulation:

Noncompliant Enrollment activities:

  • Enrolling individuals or entities without their knowledge or without obtaining their agreement through a formal agreement.
  • Enrolling individuals by providing them with false or misleading information.
  • Attempting to enrol individuals who do not actually exist, commonly referred to as ”phantoms,” whether as Customers or IHWMs.
  • Self-enrollment, where an individual attempts to enroll themselves under their own sponsorship line, whether as a Customer or a Member account.


  • Procuring Healy World products or services on behalf of an existing Customer or Member with the intention of meeting bonus qualification criteria.
  • Fabricating non-existent individuals as Customers or IHWMs in order to fullfill the requirements for receiving bonuses.
  • Utilizing any form of mechanism or deceptive practice to meet the prerequisites for rank advancement or bonuses, not genuinely derived from legitimate product or service purchases by end-user consumers.
  • Placing an order with the intention of withdrawing it shortly after the bonus distribution has been completed.
  • Engaging in self-enrollment, where an individual enrolls themselves, whether as a Customer or Member, places an order, and subsequently receives bonuses.


  • Motivating or teaching other Members to engage in Compensation Plan manipulation.
  • Failing to relay to Healy World any information that suggests another Member or individual may have engaged in Compensation Plan manipulation.

3.7.International IHWM Business

Not all countries are open for Healy World. This results in limitations to purchasing Healy World products and operating Healy World Businesses in certain countries.

3.7.1.Activities in Open Countries

IHWMs must comply with all Healy World rules, and all applicable laws and regulations, including those relating to product disclaimers, product registration, duties, customs, taxes, and Customer protection and advertising laws in the country where the product is distributed.

3.7.2.Purchasing and Business Activities in Non-Open Countries

An IHWM may not operate a business in countries not yet officially opened for Healy World. An IHWM may not be a resident of a non-open country. IHWMs are not allowed to do business with individuals residing in non-open countries. Such business includes promoting the opportunity, the product, sponsoring, or recruiting Members or Customers.

Healy World reserves the right to terminate an IHWM in violation of this rule.

3.7.3. Activities in China

IHWMs domiciled in China are not allowed to purchase or refer Healy World products inside or outside China. Non-Chinese nationals are not allowed to do Healy Business in China. It is not allowed to ship or transport Healy World products to China.

Healy World reserves the right to terminate an IHWM in violation of this rule.

Section 4: Your IHWM Responsibilities

In this section of the Rules, we will emphasize the importance of ethical sponsorship activities, highlight the responsibilities of a Sponsor, and how vital it is to maintain a downline that upholds the highest level of integrity. Together, we can foster a community of IHWMs who conduct their business with the highest level of integrity, transparency, and ethical standards.

4.1.Sponsor Responsibilities

Sponsorship in Healy World involves the referral and support of new IHWMs, building and nurturing a Downline organization. As a Sponsor, you have a crucial responsibility to guide and mentor your Downline Members, ensuring that they are well-informed, trained, and supported throughout their journey.

4.1.1.Customer Service

As a sponsor, you must maintain a commitment to a high level of Customer Service that meets the expectations of Healy World. Sponsors are required to respond to all Customer inquiries accurately and promptly, within a reasonable time, and in a personal and direct manner, whether distributing offline or online. As a sponsor:

  • Information you make available must include your contact information.
  • You must engage in a personal relationship with each of your Members and Customers when promoting and referring products. This includes offering a personalized meeting and sales conversation before the referral and as a follow-up.
  • Understand the IHWMs or Customers’ intentions and goals with Healy World products.

4.1.2.Business Tools

Healy World offers promotional literature, sales aids, and compensation management tools for free. The official Backoffice and the Healy Academy are great resources to help you manage your business. Log in to discover many great tools and resources, statistics, business training, and much more.

4.1.3.Leading, Training, Mentoring, and Development Responsibilities

As a Sponsor, you will be responsible for managing, training, mentoring, developing, and regularly communicating with personally registered Members and Customers and their Downlines through electronic means, including email, telephone, SMS, messengers, and social media, in-person meetings, attendance to company meetings, training and all other related regular functions. As a Sponsor:

  • You must provide training on working with a IHWM or a Customer.
  • You must provide training on the Healy World Compensation Plan.
  • You must explain the duties and responsibilities under the Healy World Rules of Conduct and how to conduct the business in accordance with the rules.
  • You must ensure that communications with Members or Customers are made in accordance with the rules and applicable laws and regulations, including Data Privacy.
  • You must be available to answer questions and offer assistance.
  • You must encourage participation at Healy World roadshows and events.
  • Upon request, you must advise and assist Customers in converting them to IHWMs.

A sponsor may not require a personally sponsored IHWM to pay for training. A sponsor is obligated to provide at no cost the basic training necessary to learn the Healy Business.

4.2.Ethical Sponsorship Activities

In this section, we will emphasize ethical sponsorship activities and highlight the responsibilities of upholding the highest level of integrity in the business.

4.2.1.Uphold Ethical Standards

Sponsors should demonstrate integrity, honesty, and transparency in their interactions with potential and existing IHWMs. They should provide accurate and truthful information about Healy World, the Rules of Conduct, compliance, and ethical business practices. Sponsors must familiarize themselves with the Rules of Conduct and ensure their Downline Members understand and abide by these rules and the law.

4.2.2.High Pressure Selling

Members should always be considerate and may not pressure your Customers or IHWMs to purchase, nor may sponsors engage in high-pressure selling. Sponsors may not establish employee/employer relationships, maintaining a boundary to foster a healthier business environment.

4.2.3.Unethical Sponsorship and Cross-Recruiting
Unethical sponsorship activities include practices such as engaging in non-compliant competition, enticing prospects from fellow IHWMs, or exerting influence on IHWM transfers, all of which are strictly disallowed. IHWMs are explicitly forbidden from engaging in cross-recruitment activities. This includes refraining from encouraging individuals already affiliated with other downlines or teams, whether within Healy World or third-party opportunities.

4.2.4.Accountability and Reporting

Sponsors play a crucial role in accountability and compliance within Healy World. If you receive reports of illegal or inappropriate conduct within your Downline, such as misleading earnings or product claims, this must be reported to Healy World. Allegations of unethical sponsoring can also be reported to Customer Care. For more information on reporting, refer to section 7.

If the reports are substantiated, Healy World may transfer the IHWM or the IHWMs Downline to another Sponsor, without approval from the current Upline Sponsor or placement IHWMs, and without explanation, as deemed correct in such situations.

4.3.Maintaining the Downline

The relationship between a Sponsor and a Member is the foundation of the Compensation Plan. Sponsoring involves investing time and energy in activities like supporting, training, and motivating the Downline. To ensure the Downline’s integrity and preserve the Sponsor and IHWM relationship, it is discouraged to make changes to sponsorship. Changing sponsors will only be allowed in very exceptional circumstances. Such changes require approval from Healy World.

These rules are designed to protect both parties involved. If an IHWM feels unhappy or dissatisfied, they should always reach out to their Upline (their Sponsor’s Sponsor) and work together to find a solution and improve the situation.

4.3.1.Correction of a Sponsor

An IHWM who wishes to correct a Sponsor must contact Customer Care. Correction of a Sponsor can be completed if the following circumstances are met:

  • An error was made during IHWMs registration.
  • The request is made within seven (7) days after IHWMs registration.
  • The IHWM making the request has not yet sponsored any other Members or Customers.
  • Approval of the proposed Sponsor has been received by Customer Care.

4.3.2.Change of a Sponsor

On rare occasions Sponsor changes are permitted for IHWMs with the Career Title Director (DIR), Senior Director (SDR), Vice President (VP), Executive Vice President (EVP), President (PRES), Senior President (SPRES), and Executive President (EVP). Such an IHWM may request a change of Sponsor, by completing the ‘Change of Sponsor Form’.

A change of Sponsor requires the consents of three (3) actual Uplines and consents of the proposed new Sponsor, provided in the ‘Change of Sponsor Form’.
The change of Sponsor will be considered and authorized by Healy World after all consents necessary have been provided and validated.

Healy Rank (Career Title)

Consent of Healy Uplines Necessary

Table 1: Change of Sponsor

Director (DIR)

3 Levels

Senior Director (SDR)

3 Levels

Vice President (VP)

3 Levels

Senior Vice President (SVP)

3 Levels

Executive Vice President (EVP)

3 Levels

President (PRES)

3 Levels

Senior President (SPRES)

3 Levels

Executive President (EPRES)

3 Levels

The required ‘Change of Sponsor Form’ may be obtained from Customer Care. The IHWM intending to change Sponsor must personally take care of providing the consent of all necessary Uplines. This form must be submitted to Healy Compliance, along with signatures and proof of identification of all necessary Uplines, only then will the change of Sponsor be considered.

If an IHWMs fails to obtain a response from the necessary Upline, due to possible inactivity, after a period of twenty (20) days without receiving the Uplines response, the form may be submitted along with proof of the interaction.

Healy World reserves the sole discretion to ­either accept or reject a change of Sponsor.

If the request for a change of Sponsor is denied, the IHWM may cancel their membership and comply with the period of inactivity before re-registering under a different Sponsor. Refer to rule 2.1.9.

4.3.3.Multiple Accounts

Multiple IHWM accounts are not allowed. This applies to accounts of natural persons as well as legal entities. In case of multiple accounts, only one (1) IHWM Membership may be kept, and additional memberships will be terminated by Healy World. IHWMs are only allowed to re-register after deletion or cancellation, observing the six (6) months waiting period.

The selection and termination of any ”multiple accounts” is a final decision of Healy World

4.3.4.Merging Accounts

The merging of accounts is not allowed. In case of such a violation during an account transfer or second account creation, only the first account will be maintained without sanctions. If the IHWM wishes to maintain the second account, the six (6) months waiting period applies.

4.3.5.Change of Placement

Once an IHWM enrolls a new IHWM, the recently enrolled IHWM can be manually placed in the next available outermost position either in the left or right Dual Team Leg. The system will automatically place IHWMs after 7 days.

If a Sponsor wishes to correct an IHWMs placement, they must contact Customer Care. Correction of a placement can be completed if the following conditions are met:

  • An error was made during the placement.
  • The request is made within seven (7) days after the concerned IHWM registration.
  • The concerned IHWM has not yet sponsored any other Members or Customers.

Healy World reserves the sole discretion to either accept or reject a change of placement.

Section 5: Marketing and Advertising Practices

Local advertising and social media are great ways to promote your business. We firmly believe in personal contact with consumers, and we encourage you to make your presence known! As an IHWM, you represent Healy World in your actions, ads, posts, and content. IHWMs must ensure that all promotions, including digital and social media, comply with applicable laws, the rules as well as the International Chamber of Commerce Marketing Code and applicable local advertising codes.

Therefore, it is important that promotion of Healy World’s Business opportunity and products conforms to Healy World’s quality standards, helps promote Healy World’s values and does not harm the company’s reputation under any circumstances.

5.1.Promoting your Business, the Right Way

5.1.1.Disclosure of the Independence

In any sales interaction with prospects, Customers, and other Members, whether online or offline, you must always identify yourself as an Independent Healy World Member. You may mention your current executive level title or sales level title.

You should only use the approved Healy World Member logo on your social media, personal business website, business cards or other personal corporate presentations. You do not have an employment contractual relationship with Healy World.

Healy World reserves the right to ask IHWMs to correct their page or to impose sanctions.



  • John Doe – Healy World (X)


  • John Doe – Independent Healy World Member – Vice President ()

5.1.2.Intellectual Property and Copyright Protection

Healy World owns the copyright in all materials created by Healy World. This includes printed materials, internet content, audio, and video recordings. Use of these materials requires permission from Healy World. You must disclose such use as follows:

Reproduction with permission of Healy World. All rights reserved.

Healy World reserves the right to withdraw its consent to the use of its copyrighted materials.

5.1.3.Name or Likeness of the Company’s Founders or Management

The name or likeness of our founders or corporate officers may not be used in any promotional activity without written permission.

5.1.4.Material Released for Use and Material for Downloading

Healy World offers several templates that are available for download. Members may use all current images, videos and other printable materials created by Healy World found in the Backoffice and Academy download area for your own publications and marketing purposes of your Healy World Business.

Members may not manipulate or alter any images created by Healy World. You may not edit or retouch these images. To maintain the integrity of the Healy World brand and to avoid improper and inconsistent use of these materials, you may not alter trademarks or other forms of branding, except by resizing. Also, you may not modify any product claims or statements. You may not use images that feature models or celebrities, or images that are not included in current Healy World materials.

Healy World reserves the right to revoke its consent to use its trademarks, names, and branding.

IHWMs engaged in alternative business opportunities may not use Healy World’s intellectual property and provided materials to advertise or promote the alternative business opportunity’s products.

5.1.5.Self-Produced Promotion Materials

Members may create their own promotional materials to solicit new Customers, recruit new IHWMs, promote your Healy Business, or provide training or presentations. This may include business aids, books, magazines, flip charts and other printed materials, online literature, applications, audio and video materials. All promotional materials you create must comply with all regulations and local laws. Please share your created material with the Compliance Team at before distribution. We will address any compliance concerns and ensure all content adheres to our rules.

Requirements for the use of your own marketing materials

Your own marketing materials must meet the following requirements:

  • It must not contain false statements (see Section 6).
  • Provide accurate and truthful information. Your statements about the products must be consistent with Healy World’s statements on the website and other company information materials.
  • Materials must bear the Independent Healy World Member logo (see 5.1.1) in a prominent location.
  • In accordance with applicable local Customer Protection Laws, you must include your name, and contact details, and the relevant disclaimer.
  • You must comply with these rules and local laws, such as the International Chamber of Commerce Marketing Code and applicable local advertising codes.

5.1.6.Do not Charge for Promotional Materials

IHWMs may not charge other IHWMs for providing promotional materials, whether they are independently produced or are Healy World marketing materials. This applies to IHWMs of their own organization, another organization, or to interested parties. Assistance in the use of Healy World products, business set-up and other training of any kind shall always be offered free of charge.

5.1.7.Creation of Healy Merchandising

To enhance your brand presence, you can also create personalised sales collateral (e.g. business cards, recruitment flyers, t-shirts, etc.) or promotional items. Use only Healy World authorised logos for these. These items can be distributed or used as incentives for your team members and customers but must not be sold.

5.1.8.Addresses of Healy World

Healy World office addresses may not be published, used, or advertised by an IHWM as its own.

5.1.9.Healy Academy

Education, training, and motivation are critical to building a successful independent business. Healy Academy offers you a variety of training and support services to help educate you in the industry and teach you how to train and motivate others. Get familiar with the Academy and use the Academy’s content to give your business a boost. Healy Academy:

Please note that access to Academy content is restricted to IHWMs only. Reproduction, duplication or reuploading of content on other platforms is not permitted.

5.1.10.Trainings and Workshops (online and offline)

You may organize training courses and workshops on your own, but you must ensure that the content taught in these training courses complies with our rules and applicable law. If you plan to organize a Healy centred event, training or workshop, please share the agenda at least 14 days before the event with our Compliance Department at

Requirements for organizing and holding trainings and workshops (online and offline):

Your trainings must meet the following requirements:

  • The content provided about the company, products and business opportunities must be truthful, accurate and in accordance with the company’s information and specifications.
  • Attendance must be free of charge.

If an IHWM has incurred costs in organizing and conducting the training (e.g., rental of a room, cost of special audio and video equipment),
an exception to the above rule may be made at Healy World’s discretion, provided the cost breakdown is understandable.


You may organize events, but you must ensure that the content shared in these seminars, live events, or other media complies with our rules and applicable law. If you plan to organize a Healy centred event, please share the agenda at least 14 days before the event with our Compliance Department at

Requirements for organizing and holding events (online and offline):

Your events must meet the following requirements:

  • The content provided about the company, products and business opportunities must be truthful, accurate and in accordance with the company’s information and specifications.
  • Attendance must be free of charge.

If an IHWM has incurred costs in organizing and conducting the training (e.g., rental of a room, cost of special audio and video equipment), an exception to the above rule may be made at Healy World’s discretion, provided the cost breakdown is understandable.

5.2.Healy World Business Websites

These following rules apply to IHWMs with independent websites that reference Healy World products. You can run your independent business website but must ensure that your website and content is truthful, accurate and complies with our rules.

Requirements for business websites:

Your website must meet the following requirements:

  • Disclose the independent relationship and display the Healy World independent member logo (see 5.1.1) in a prominent location.
  • You may operate independent websites that use Healy World trademarks and other forms of branding. To clarify that it is not an official Healy World website, you should always identify yourself as an Independent Healy World Member.
  • Avoid the same or similar appearance as the official Healy World website.
  • In accordance with applicable local laws Customer Protection, you must include your name, and contact details, and the relevant disclaimers.
  • Have a link to the official Healy World Shop. The sale of Healy World products outside the Healy World Shop is not permitted.
  • Contain true and accurate information about the company, products, and business opportunity (see section 6)

All online sales will be made through the Sponsor code via the official Healy World website.

5.2.1.Domain Names

In order to distinguish IHWM websites from the official Healy World website, IHWMs own business websites must not have the name ”Healy” or ”Healy World” in the domain.

Exceptions to this rule may be made under certain circumstances. The decision on this is the sole responsibility of Healy World.



  • (X)


  • ()

5.2.2.Cross-Promotion and Non-Competition Clause

To avoid false associations of Healy World products with other products or third-party companies, you may not use or mention third party trademarks or other forms of branding on their independent websites. You may not cross-promote any third-party products or services on your independent website without prior approval from Healy World.

Promoting competing products or companies in the same business segment as Healy World is not permitted under any circumstances.

You may link your independent websites to the official Healy World website, other IHWMs websites and social media pages if the links comply with the Rules.

Healy World reserves the right to ask IHWMs to adjust the content of their business website, adjust the domain or make other adjustments so that the website complies with our rules. Healy World also reserves the right to impose sanctions for non-compliance with these rules.

5.2.3.Privacy Notice and Responsibility

You must post a privacy notice in a prominent place on your independent websites. As an IWHM, you are personally responsible for your independent website and must comply with all local laws, such as applicable Customer Protection Laws and applicable privacy and data protection law.

Your privacy notice must inform Customers, prospects, and other visitors to the website about the following:

  • What personal information is collected.
  • How this information will be used.
  • Who the information will be shared with.
  • Any additional information that is required.

Website checklist for IHWMs:

1. Disclosure and identity: Have you displayed the IHWM logo and are you recognisably an Independent Healy World Member?
2. Content accuracy: Is all content about Healy World products, the company, and the business opportunity on your website truthful and accurate?
3. Official Healy Shop: Have you included your Sponsor code or a link to the official Healy World shop?
4. Domain name: Does the name of your domain not violate intellectual property rules? (Unauthorised use of ”Healy” or ”Healy world”)
5. Cross-promotion and competition: Do you not use third party trademarks or branding on your website?
6. Privacy notice: Does your site contain a prominent privacy notice?

Comply with all local laws, including consumer protection and data collection laws.

Adhere to Healy World’s rules and policies.

Remember that Healy World reserves the right to impose sanctions for non-compliance with these rules and may require you to make the necessary adjustments to your website to ensure compliance.

5.3.Guidelines for the Use of Social Media to Promote your Business

The following policies apply to IHWMs who use social media platforms. This includes platforms such as X, YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Instagram, as well as online communities such as blogs where Healy World products are discussed. For best practices when using social media in your business environment, please refer to the Social Media Policy.

Requirements for Using Social Media:

Your social media channels must meet the following requirements:

  • Declaration of independent affiliation and prominently display the Independent Healy World Member logo (see 5.1.1).
  • You may use Healy World trademarks and other brand elements in your social media content. You should clearly always indicate that your channel is not an official Healy World platform. Always introduce yourself as an Independent Healy World Member in business contact.
  • In accordance with applicable local laws on Customer Protection, you must include your name, and contact details, and the relevant disclaimer.

Other requirements for the use of social media channels:

You are required to ensure that posts and content on your page are fair, truthful, and accurate and do not contain misleading content. Misleading pages and posts can be harmful to Healy World and its affiliates. Your pages and posts must:

  • Contain only accurate information about the company, products and business opportunity.
  • Respect the intellectual property of Healy World and other social media users.
  • Comply with the Healy World Social Media Policy and local laws, such as the International Chamber of Commerce Marketing Code and applicable national advertising codes.
  • Any content posted from a Healy World social media channel (e.g., Vimeo, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook) must be tagged with #repost and the original account (e.g., #reposts@HealyWorld).

There must be no sales of Healy World products through social media channels. All online sales should be made through the official Healy World website.

5.3.1.Communication and Interaction on Social Media

You must not engage in social media discussions that contain false or misleading information about Healy World, the products, the business opportunity. You must also not provide information or make statements on behalf of Healy World.

5.3.2.Naming Your Social Media Channel and Domains

To distinguish your social media channels from the official Healy World website, Members’ own business social media channels must not include the name ”Healy” or ”Healy World”. Exceptions to this rule may be made in certain circumstances. The decision on this is the sole responsibility of Healy World.



  • Facebook Page: Healy World France (X)
  • Instagram Page: @healyworldfrance (X)


  • Facebook Page: Independent Healy World Member France ()
  • Instagram Page: @ihwm_france ()

5.3.3.Avoidance of Associations

To avoid false associations of Healy World products with other products or third-party companies, you must not use or mention third party trademarks or other forms of branding of third parties on your social media channel.

You may not cross-promote any third-party products or services on your independent website without Healy World’s prior permission. Promotion of competing products or companies in the same line of business as Healy World is not permitted under any circumstances.

It is recommended to promote only Healy World products on your social media platforms and posts. You may link your social media content to the official Healy World website, other IHWMs’ websites and social media pages as long as such links comply with the rules.

5.3.4.Individual Responsibility

You are personally responsible for your social media page and content and must comply with all relevant local laws, including those relating to consumer protection, privacy, data protection and established rules.

Content that does not comply with these guidelines should be removed immediately. Failure to comply with Healy World policies may result in further action, including possible termination and legal action. Healy World reserves the right to request IHWMs to change the content of their social media channels, adjust account names, or make other changes to ensure compliance with these rules. Healy World also reserves the right to impose sanctions for non-compliance.

5.4.Public Relations

Public communication and interaction with media require special care and caution. For questions about any public relations concerns, please contact:

Further, please note:

  • All radio or local television interviews are not permitted without prior approval from Healy World.
  • Press enquiries must be forwarded to Healy World immediately and must not be answered independently.
  • For regulatory enquiries, we ask that you exercise the utmost care and contact Healy World Customer Support immediately if you need assistance in responding to the enquiry.

IHWMs may be approached by journalists and may be asked for a statement or interview Healy Worlds products or business. Although we appreciate the interest shown in our products and the business opportunity, written or oral statements about Healy World to the press or other media are to be made solely to those Healy World’s authorized personnel.

If a journalist contacts Member for a statement or interview, the Member should ask the journalist to contact Healy World at Similarly, IHWMs, the press, or other media should not intentionally invite the press or other media to a Healy World meeting or event. Journalists should attend such events accompanied by an authorized Healy World representative.

5.5.Paid Advertisements

Paid advertising is strictly prohibited on all channels and platforms you use as part of your business to ensure fairness, maintain ethical standards, and create a level playing field for all Members.

Advertising on social media:

  • No paid promotions: IHWMs are prohibited from any form of paid advertising on social media platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn and Snapchat.
  • Unbiased engagement: Take a fair and unbiased approach to all social media interactions. Do not pay for sponsored posts, enhanced content or other forms of paid engagement such as purchased followers or likes.

Search engine advertising (e.g. Google Ads):

  • Avoid paid search engine marketing: IHWMs are not permitted to engage in paid search engine marketing, such as Google Ads, to improve their visibility or search engine ranking.

Other advertising channels:

Comprehensive restriction: IHWMs are strictly prohibited from engaging in paid advertising on other online platforms, websites, forums, or channels.

Fairness and ethical competition:

  • The prohibition of paid advertising aims to ensure fairness among all IHWMs and to prevent any undue advantage or inequality that may arise from paid advertising. We value ethical business practices and believe that all Members should have an equal opportunity to succeed without relying on paid advertising.

Monitoring and enforcement:

  • We will actively monitor all IHWM activities to ensure compliance with these paid advertising rules.
  • Any IHWM found to be involved in paid advertising will be subject to disciplinary action, including warnings, suspension, or termination, as deemed appropriate.


Rather than relying on paid advertising, we encourage our IHWMs to give their own business a boost by creating unique and salient content and special engagement and lively interaction.

Develop creative strategies and real business relationships that last and make a name for yourself through extra comprehensive sponsorship support.

We also recommend the Healy Academy, where you will also find valuable sales strategies and tools.

Section 6: Healy World Products and the Business Opportunity

Clear, honest and accurate communication is essential to build trust with our Customers and build long-lasting relationships. We expect you to present our products and the business opportunities at Healy World in a factual manner and to ensure that your information is accurate. Members are prohibited from engaging in misleading, aggressive, or unfair sales practices under applicable local laws on unfair commercial practices.

The following rules are intended to ensure that our communications in the Healy World Business environment, whether online or offline, are serious and accurate, and that the products and company are presented in an appropriate manner.

6.1.Product Claims

As an IHWM you are fully responsible for all oral, written and online communications relating to Healy World products and the Compensation Plan that are not specifically included in official company materials.

Use our guides such as the Do’s and Don’ts available in your Backoffice, or check with your upline to ensure proper communication. If you need clarification or further information, please contact Compliance:

We ask you to observe the following general principles when advertising our products:

  • Selling only on official terms

You may not advertise Healy World products at a price lower than Healy World’s highest published price, which is the established retail price plus shipping and handling and applicable taxes. No advertising with special bait-and-switch offers is permitted either. This includes, but is not limited to, offers for free Healy World deals, free shipping, or other offers that provide benefits beyond those offered by Healy World.

  • Accurately represent how the products work and function

Represent Healy World products accurately in terms of quality, functionality, content, model, place of manufacture or availability as specified by the company.

Refrain from making any generalised claims about healing effects.

Please refrain from making general statements about healing. Only talk about diseases and symptoms that are described in the instructions for use and for which Healy has approval as a medical product.

You should only make claims that are permitted in official Healy World literature and on the Healy World website and that are approved for the relevant market.

Healy can cure cancer. The use of Healy can prevent a Covid 19 infection.

Healy is designed to support wellbeing through harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field.

  • All claims, including personal stories, must be accompanied by the following disclaimer:
    This product is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.
  • No own explanations of the programmes

Avoid detailed descriptions of frequency programmes beyond what is documented in the manual or on the Healy World website.

  • Correct reference to studies
    Refrain from making untrue claims about scientific research on the effects of Healy. Refer only to official studies conducted by Healy World.
  • Correct reference to certifications

Refrain from making inaccurate statements about general or other certifications. Refer only to actual certifications in the appropriate national markets.

  • No misleading promises or guarantees.
    Refrain from making inaccurate statements about general or other certifications. Refer only to actual certifications in the appropriate national markets.
  • No substitute for medical treatment

Under no circumstances should the use of Healy, Healy information or the Healy App be presented as a diagnosis, treatment, cure, relief, or prevention of disease.

Please note that these principles and rules are not exhaustive. In light of changes in the law, these rules may be replaced by more restrictive rules. In addition, please be aware of and follow the legal requirements, advertising regulations and online advertising guidelines applicable in your respective region

6.2.Business Opportunity Claims

Use our guides such as the earnings and business opportunity guideline, available in your Backoffice, or check with your Upline to ensure proper communication

  • No earning entitlement within IHWM Membership
    Make it clear that earnings as an IHWM depend on numerous factors, including hours worked, qualifications, rank and more.
  • No earnings for recruitment

Refrain from claiming that recruiting members automatically leads to financial gains. Only sales lead to earnings.

Explain that earnings come from sales of Healy World products, related accessories, and programs. No earnings are derived solely from sponsoring other IHWMs. If an IHWM chooses to sponsor new Members, earnings are generated through bonuses and allowances for training and leadership. However, this depends on the sales that result from this training and leadership.

  • No commitments or assurances regarding IHWM earnings
    Do not claim that your own success guarantees similar success for other IHWMs. Using your own earnings or the earnings of others as proof of success at Healy World Business is prohibited. Do not disclose your personal earnings or the earnings of other IHWMs.

No setting of earnings goals for enrolled IHWMs

Do not set earnings or turnover targets for your IHWMs to achieve. Turnover and earnings are the result of different factors and cannot and should not be set.

Please adhere to these instructions. Your statements must always be accurate. Do not make misleading or false claims about business or earnings prospects.
Also, be sure to comply with legal requirements, advertising regulations and online advertising standards in your respective country.

6.3.Insertion of Disclaimers

When recommending Healy World products and business opportunity, it is imperative that you adhere to applicable local laws on customer protection, relevant International Chamber of Commerce Marketing Codes and national advertising codes.

In particular, if you recommend or promote Healy World products, you are required to include disclaimers in various media such as visual and written presentations, personal marketing materials, personal websites and on your social media platforms.

Use the disclaimers provided in our Copy & Paste Disclaimer document, available in your Backoffice. These disclaimers must be conspicuous and large enough for an average reader to easily notice, read and comprehend in their entirety.

Requirements for size and placement of disclaimers
audio presentations (live or recorded):

  • Must be made orally in conjunction with the claim and always placed at the beginning of the presentation.
  • Present the disclaimer in a volume so that consumers can hear and understand them.
  • Repeat disclaimers, as needed, in connection with the repeated claims.
  • Use the full and unedited disclaimer.

Visual presentations:

  • Presented in close proximity to the claim and always at the beginning of the presentation.
  • Repeat disclaimers, as needed, in connection with the repeated claims.
  • Present the full and unedited disclaimer, either as image or by providing a physical copy.
  • Read the disclaimer in a volume so that consumers can hear and understand them.
  • Display visuals disclaimers for a duration sufficient for consumers to notice, read and understand them.
  • Evaluate the size and colour of the disclosure. Make sure to display the disclaimer in a contrasting color (e.g. black on white background). You can print and hand out disclaimer or display it on a separate video screen.

Online (websites or social media):

  • Always present the full and unedited disclaimer.
  • In a social media post, the disclaimer should be in the post itself or the first comment.
  • Repeat disclosures, as needed, on content, posts and bio’s, in connection with the repeated claims.
  • Display so disclaimers are noticeable to consumers and evaluate the size and color of the disclosure.
  • Make sure to display the disclaimer in a contrasting color (e.g. black on white background).

Section 7: Enforcement Policy

The above Rules of Conduct protect the Healy World company and brand. Breach of these rules may have a negative impact on the reputation of the company, its products, and all Healy World Businesses. In addition to the impact on public perception or the media, breaches may also attract the attention of regulators.

Although the Rules of Conduct are primarily designed to educate our IHWMs, there may be instances where violations require strict enforcement by Healy World. Healy World strongly encourages IHWMs to report suspected rule violations.

7.1.Reporting a Violation

You are strongly encouraged to report suspected violations, such as improper claims about products or business practices, or any suspected illegal or inappropriate conduct. Upon request, an IHWM should be prepared to provide documented evidence to Healy World. To report a violation, contact Healy World Customer Support.


Healy World reserves the right to initiate an investigation at any time. If Healy World determines, in its sole discretion, that there are reasonable grounds for an allegation, it will notify the affected IHWM in writing by email or other means and provide the affected IHWM with an opportunity to respond.

In certain circumstances, it may be necessary to impose sanctions on an IHWM during the investigation process. Such sanctions may be imposed for a maximum of twelve (12) months immediately while the breach is being investigated.

7.3.Imposing Sanctions

Violations may adversely affect Healy World’s brand and business and potentially lead to legal complications. Therefore, the imposition of sanctions is inevitable. Healy World has the sole discretion to impose an appropriate sanction depending on the nature of the violation. These sanctions may include:

  • Restrictions on Backoffice access.
  • Temporary or if necessary, permanent suspension of earnings payments.
  • Exclusion from all subsequent bonus calculations from the date of the suspension of the account.
  • Disqualification from events and participation in promotions.
  • Termination of membership.

7.4.Termination of Membership

  • Healy World reserves the right to terminate the membership of an IHWM if it is in breach of the rules.
  • Termination will be effective upon receipt of written notice from Healy World. A terminated IHWM:
  • Must unequivocally waive all rights, titles, or claims to bonuses after termination.
  • Must unequivocally waive all rights, titles, or claims to promotional qualifications following termination.
  • Effectively waives all rights to ownership or interest in his or her former Downline.
  • Keeps access to previously accumulated funds accessible through his designated eWallet account.
  • May not reapply for business, either under his current name or under any other identity.
  • May not use any product or service names, trademarks, signs, labels, stationery, advertising, or other intellectual property of Healy World.


An IHWM has the opportunity to appeal the termination within 30 days of receiving written notice from Healy World. If an IHWM appeals within the time limit, Healy World will review its decision, consider all relevant information, reassess appropriate actions and notify the IHWM of its final decision. Healy World’s decision is binding and cannot be further reviewed.

Section 8: Privacy and Data Protection

At Healy World, we value your privacy and take the protection of your personal data seriously. As an IHWM, we collect, use, and process your personal data in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection laws applicable in the countries or markets where we operate. You can find more details about this in our ”Privacy Policy for IHWMs.”

As an IHWM, you are considered the controller of your own data. It is essential that you have knowledge of and comply with local data protection and privacy laws, review Healy’s best practices on Data Protection and Privacy, available in your Backoffice.

In the course of direct selling, you may receive personal data about other IHWMs or Customers through referrals, Downlines, and your team. This personal information includes names, home addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and other details.

You are only allowed to use this personal information to develop your business relationship with your Downline, Customers, or referrals. It is crucial that you do not collect, use, or process personal data of individuals for any other purposes unless they have consented to it or there’s a legal basis for doing so, such as complying with a legal obligation, executing a contract, or having a legitimate business interest that doesn’t outweigh the individual’s privacy interest.

Please note that when using data for marketing purposes, you must obtain express consent from the individual. If you wish to contact customers or prospective IHWMs through intrusive methods like phone, email, or text, you must first obtain explicit prior consent.

When dealing with health and wellness data, like weight or lifestyle information, you can only collect this data from an individual if they have given clear consent. We recommend gathering written consent, and individuals have the right to withdraw their consent at any time.

Individuals also have the right to request access to their personal data, limit its processing, object to its processing, and request its deletion. As an IHWM, it is your responsibility to safeguard and retain all personal data you receive, and to delete it when the purpose of collection is achieved or as required by law.

If you have any questions or concerns about your personal data or our privacy practices, please don’t hesitate to contact us at We are here to assist you and ensure that your data is handled with the utmost care and respect for your privacy rights.

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